Architecture of O'ahu, 5/6 . Thurston Memorial Chapel, Vladimir Ossipoff, 1967 . #hawaiiarchitecture #hawaiimodern #hawaiimodernism #vladimirossipoff #ossipoff #midcenturymodern #midcentury #architecture #tropicalmodern #tropicalarchitecture,

Architecture of O'ahu, 4/6 . Wimberly Residence, George “Pete” Wimberly, 1945, 51, 53 . #petewimberly #hawaiiarchitecture #hawaiimodern #hawaiimodernism #tropicalmodern #tropicalmodernism #architecture #midcenturymodern #midcentury,

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Modern Architecture of Quito: Global, Local, and the In-Between: Parreno, Christian: 9781350454897: Amazon.com: Books